Science of Melanin - Professional Look
Current info about Science of Melanin is not always the easiest thing to locate. Fortunately, this report includes the latest Science of Melanin info available.When most people think of Science of Melanin, what comes to mind is usually basic information that's not particularly interesting or beneficial. But there's a lot more to Science of Melanin than just the basics.
You should be able to find several indispensable facts about Science of Melanin in the following paragraphs. If there's at least one fact you didn't know before, imagine the difference it might make. And the topic of Science of Melanin is no exception.
Providing the color of the skin, hair and eye iris pigment melanin synthesized by specialized cells-and-coming Science of Melanin other cells in the skin. But it Science of Melanin not all cells that make up the complex multilayer structure of the skin. Scientists Massachusets Hospital (d. Boston), working under the direction of Dr. Janice Brissette (Janice Brissette), partially Science of Melanin sharing arrangements Science of Melanin melanin skin layers.
In humans, melanin is contained in the cells of the skin and hair. At the same time, some mammals, including mice, he found exclusively in the wool, hides while nepigmentirovannoy remains. Melanotsity melanin distribute via cell membrane protrusions - dendrite, which interact with other types of cells that make up the epidermis (outer layer of skin) or hair follicle. However, the mechanism that defines Science of Melanin melanin, thus far remained unknown.
The authors suggested that a role in the mechanism belongs genes Foxn1, failing which the case for so-called "naked" mice, which strand of wool skin is so thin that they Science of Melanin, leaving animals already have defective skin cover virtually Science of Melanin "" . In humans inactivate gen Foxn1 led to the development of such a Science of Melanin.
Gilchrest, Barbara A. (Brookline, MA, US)
Science of Melanin - Details
Melanin is a special pigment that gives the skin and hair its natural color. It makes the skin tanned, but also produces unwanted freckles, birthmarks and other colored marks on the body.Science of Melanin - More Details
With humans melanin forms in special sea-star shaped cells called melanocytes in the basal layer of epidermis and then transforms into granules where pigments are combined with protein. Melanocytes inject melanin grains into the cells of the upper skin layer (cortical layer of the hair and the iris of the eye) and determine their color.Science of Melanin - Doctors view
Doctors from time to time state that tea, coffee, chocolate and cacao are harmful for our health. However, it is no good to give up these products once and for all as they contain melanin that is essential for the human organism. Also prunes, bilberry or dark grapes are good protection against cancer, sunburns and influence of radiation.Scientists have created Science of Melanin mice expressing distinct abnormal gene Foxn1 cells not normally contain melanin. Such animals usually Science of Melanin stations acquired skin color. Study of animal skin samples showed that dendrity melanin selectively provide melanin cells melaniFoxn1. The analysis also showed human skin expression of human version Foxn1 in Science of Melanin and melanin. As a result of further experiments, researchers found that Foxn1 interacts with Melanin through protein Fgf2, which increases the cell activation when expression Foxn1.
The authors believe that, apart from attracting Melanin and transfer melanin, the mechanism Foxn1/Fgf2 performs other functions, and most likely, is not the only mechanism, the distribution manager pigment. In the near future they plan to take up the search for other genes involved in the formation of Melanin phenotype organism. Over time, the results of this work should help in developing methods for the prevention and treatment of hair Science of Melanin diseases such as Vitiligo (autoimmune illness, which occurs in certain areas of the skin discoloration) and melanomas (malignant tumor, emerging from Melanin).
Tan is a skin reaction to the impact of ultraviolet rays. The devastating for all life, invisible ultraviolet rays of a man detained Earth's atmosphere, especially the ozone layer (which, in recent times, to our generalized anxiety, sweating Science of Melanin).
Only a fraction rays reaching the Earth's surface. But even this small part of the human body is protected, stockpiled in the cells of the skin pigment-melanin. Science of Melanin We do not understand, to feel nothing, and in the outer layer of skin has already started the fight for our lives. The more pigment, the more difficult rays penetrate the subcutaneous layers to produce a devastating effect, causing the disintegration of protein molecules, and thus the loss of tissue. Already through 6-10 hours on the skin, redness appears Science of Melanin. After 3-5 days Science of Melanin becomes pigmentation in the skin due to the accumulation of melanin. A mild sunburn increases the protective properties of the skin. The ability to synthesize melanin more or fewer personal property of the organism, it is set at birth and is transmitted but hereditary. Therefore Science of Melanin better tan, and the residents of tropical countries can and do not sunbath.
Gordon, Philip R. (Philadelphia, PA, US)
Science of Melanin - See More
See how much you can learn about Science of Melanin when you take a little time to read a well-researched article? Don't miss out on the rest of this great information about Science of Melanin.Science of Melanin - Good Hair
Having a good hair day doesn’t just happen by chance. It happens when taking care of your hair becomes just as important as taking care of your skin. But what do you do when your hair has been damaged by every day styling, and chemical processing, dyeing or perming? Is there any solution for fly-away hair, dullness and faded color?Science of Melanin - Science view
The color of hair is determined by the amount of melanin in the cortical layer. Dark hair has a lot of pigment while fair hair has fewer granules that are of smaller size. Diffusive or non-granulated melanin makes the hair red. Hair, like any other part of the body, requires essentials nutrients for growth and survival.Science of Melanin - Good Skin
When summer looms, many people start considering the best way to get that sun-bronzed glow — turning to self-tanners, tanning booths, a stretch in the sun, or a combination of these.Science of Melanin - Science view
But before you go into a tanning booth — spend a few minutes finding out about your skin and sun exposure. These facts can help you get the look you want without stressing your skin.Science of Melanin - More Details
Melanin is the body's way of protecting skin from burning. Darker-skinned people tan more deeply than lighter-skinned people because their melanocytes produce more melanin. But just because a person doesn't burn does not mean that he or she is also protected against skin cancer and other problems.Science of Melanin - See more
Think about what you've read so far. Does it reinforce what you already know about Science of Melanin? Or was there something completely new? What about the remaining paragraphs about Science of Melanin?Science of Melanin - People view
Most importantly for tanning-height above the horizon, the sun (hence the latitude location, the time of day and year). Tan the stronger, more transparent atmosphere and the more sunlight is reflected from the surface of the earth. Mountain climbers in the mountains, especially in the area of snow are gloves and sunglasses, to a person Science of Melanin dressing from 5-6 layers of gauze and beloved person fatty daily sunscreen. But despite all these measures, Science of Melanin always determined on tanning who descended from the top and who was just preparing to Science of Melanin ascent.Day held in the mountains (even in the Crimean where atmospheric layer per kilometer thinner than above sea level) makes it possible to get more than a few days, monotonous and sometimes painful Science of Melanin on the beach.
Defensive function of the skin decreases with the admission of certain drugs debt (Science of Melanin, quinine, drugs are arsenic, iron, etc.). The sensitivity to ultraviolet rays increases always spring.
The only who can sunbath - albinos. This is a living, deprived of natural pigment. U Science of Melanin pink skin and white hair completely. Even they have their eyes rosy tint, because blood capillaries picture them through shell devoid of color rainbow. Albinos are unable to sunbath and summer awful suffering from sunburn. Born in the tropics, they are doomed to die from the sun, if not move to the country with a temperate climate. Fortunately, the full bowl albinos occur in animals (for example, among rats, mice, rabbits). If winter arrange additional coverage in the hen-house, chicken will allocate more pituitary hormone that influences the formation of eggs. Bright sunlight makes increasingly elaborate human pituitary hormone Science of Melanin, stimulating appearance on the skin tanning. And the attempt to shield our eyes sun glasses blocks this mechanism, increasing the danger of scorching sun. But today we are interested in exactly what appears as a tan, which part of the solar spectrum rays of his cause, "as" leather works, and why, after the departure of the hotter countries of the Blacks "tan" is not lost and Science of Melanin.
Science of Melanin - More Details
Think about what you've read so far. Does it reinforce what you already know about Science of Melanin? Or was there something completely new? What about the remaining paragraphs about Science of Melanin?Science of Melanin - Science view
Initially, a light We know that sunburn occurs as the body's response to sunlight. Rather, a portion of its range, because of the three components of sunlight reaching Earth's surface, only one is of such a response. This is the UV light. The other two-infrared and visible part of the spectrum of tanning are unrelated. It is not all ultraviolet (UV) waves cause tanning, but again, only a portion of the three. Only UF A wave spectrum (UV length from 315 to 400 nm, known as "black" or "invisible light") creates a tan. B (from 280 to 315 nm), "guilty" that we Science of Melanin, Science of Melanin sun burns. Researchers argue that precisely UF-V cause aging skin wrinkles and cancer. A UF-S (from 100 to 328 nm) and does not reach the earth, because their amputates atmospheric ozone layer.At sea level 99% of ultraviolet radiation of sunlight UF-A up. But not only come from the sky beams affect our skin. UV has the ability to reflect on surfaces. Snow reflects up to 90 percent of ultraviolet rays, and the sunny day skier snow blindness and threatens to sunburn. Sand reflects up to 20 percent of UV waves, and that is why the people, by itself to get, go to beaches.
However, there are materials that are fully or partially absorb UV rays. For example, glass. And if, for example, cover the glass greenhouses, not a plastic, it can work Science of Melanin and is not afraid of sunburn. On the basis of absorption and sun creams made: they shall be composed of chemical elements with the protective properties.
An area of 2 square Authority and Science of Melanin. To understand how do you see a tan, you need to know what is it like to the very organ of the body - the skin. Strangely enough, this "specific" coverage, reaching Square 1,5-2 square. m, and indeed the body as the heart, kidneys, brain or stomach. Indeed, skin falls entirely scientific definition of "authority": it is a "differentiated structure consisting of cells and tissues and performs certain functions in the body" and is "part of the body interacts with other parts" (such as the eyes and kinship structure forming organs of view).
Because the skin, unlike other organs, a special function is to interact with the outside world, it has a multilevel complex of buildings and filled a variety of "sensors" to help cope with the mechanical injuries, and with sunlight.
Skin is composed of ex t p layers. P Ĺ enov most fabulous and the most delicate of them (maximum thickness at the feet, reaches 0.25 mm) - epidermis. Epidemiology p ISI (cuticle) coated on the surface layer of finely Science of Melanin p p lifted our cells, which are "pushed" by young cells from the underlying Science of Melanin below for the p layer. It was in epidemiology p Mies are pigment cells, and which is made ca p Science of Melanin element.
Science of Melanin very thick layer of p-de-ment consisted of overlapping collagen and elastic fibers. It vetvyatsya to p Melanin and lymph vessels are not the end of p AA (sensitive to heat, cold, pressure, itching and pain), and Science of Melanin gland. Blood vessels nourish blood and Science of Melanin gland and hair follicle (each with its own little muscle, which can be hair stand "rising"), and Science of Melanin gland. Also helping skin vessels play an important role in cooling the human body. In epidermis blood does not do: it nourishes and supports the dermis. And in the bottom layer, Science of Melanin, "hidden" hair bulb, p principal body is not the end and say p molding cells.
Now you can understand why there's a growing interest in Science of Melanin. When people start looking for more information about Science of Melanin, you'll be in a position to meet their needs.