Increasing Melanin in the Hair - Professional Look
Current info about Increasing Melanin in the Hair is not always the easiest thing to locate. Fortunately, this report includes the latest Increasing Melanin in the Hair info available.When most people think of Increasing Melanin in the Hair, what comes to mind is usually basic information that's not particularly interesting or beneficial. But there's a lot more to Increasing Melanin in the Hair than just the basics.
You should be able to find several indispensable facts about Increasing Melanin in the Hair in the following paragraphs. If there's at least one fact you didn't know before, imagine the difference it might make. And the topic of Increasing Melanin in the Hair is no exception.
Methods of increasing the content of melanin in melanocytes using diacylglycerols and uses it
The method of stimulating the synthesis of melanin in melanocytes, which increases the content of melanin in melanocytes, and thus increasing the pigmentation, melanocytes with high melanin produced by these methods, and uses it.
The background of the invention
Melanins entire class of structurally related compounds, which serve as the main pigment (color) vertebrate skin, hair, fur and feathers. In melanin pigmentation largely responsible for normal skin and hair color, and provides protection from ultraviolet radiation damage from the sun and other light sources. Melanins synthesized extremely specialized cells called "melanocytes" found in the skin and hair follicles. Once synthesized, melanin, is transmitted via cellular dendrites (expansions) in the melanocyte to the surrounding keratinocytes, the most common type of cells in the epidermis. The level of melanin synthesis, and the subsequent transfer of melanin in melanocytes across their dendrites seem to depend on the impact of ultraviolet radiation.
Darker skin pigmentation is considered desirable for many people, socially and aesthetically. Currently, the most common means of darkening sun-tan skin using either natural sunlight or specially designed ultraviolet light sources (lamps suntan).
Gilchrest, Barbara A. (Brookline, MA, US)
Increasing Melanin in the Hair - Details
Melanin is a special pigment that gives the skin and hair its natural color. It makes the skin tanned, but also produces unwanted freckles, birthmarks and other colored marks on the body.Increasing Melanin in the Hair - More Details
With humans melanin forms in special sea-star shaped cells called melanocytes in the basal layer of epidermis and then transforms into granules where pigments are combined with protein. Melanocytes inject melanin grains into the cells of the upper skin layer (cortical layer of the hair and the iris of the eye) and determine their color.Increasing Melanin in the Hair - Doctors view
Doctors from time to time state that tea, coffee, chocolate and cacao are harmful for our health. However, it is no good to give up these products once and for all as they contain melanin that is essential for the human organism. Also prunes, bilberry or dark grapes are good protection against cancer, sunburns and influence of radiation.However, prolonged exposure of human skin to ultraviolet light is well known to have negative long-term and short-term health effects, particularly skin cancer and photoaging (long-term) and the risk of painful burns and keratitis (short-term). In addition, light-skinned person is extremely sensitive to sun induced skin cancer face a higher risk of melanoma (skin cancer), and bear photoaging or dermatoheliosis, a condition characterized by wrinkling, irregular pigmentation, and surface roughness. But even darker skin are subjected to prolonged sunlight entails a high risk of skin cancer and aging of compounding.
Some people are incapable even of normal pigmentation due to abnormal conditions such as vitiligo, piebaldism, albinism and other disorders of hypopigmentation, or as a result of some inflammatory processes. The result of such abnormal conditions, in the extreme, the overall depigmentation of the skin and hair. In less serious cases, some hypopigmentation disease as a result of incomplete white areas in the skin and hair. All of these conditions can cause severe cosmetic and psychological problems.
Melanocytes melanin content, and are also responsible for the pigmentation of hair, fur and feathers. For example, gray hair is due to reduced activity, or the number of melanocytes in the hair bulb in the living. In nonhuman cases melanocyte changes in the content and melanin synthesis rates will lead to changes in the color of pelage, fur, wool, and other animals hair.
Gordon, Philip R. (Philadelphia, PA, US)
Increasing Melanin in the Hair - See More
See how much you can learn about Increasing Melanin in the Hair when you take a little time to read a well-researched article? Don't miss out on the rest of this great information about Increasing Melanin in the Hair.Increasing Melanin in the Hair - Good Hair
Having a good hair day doesn’t just happen by chance. It happens when taking care of your hair becomes just as important as taking care of your skin. But what do you do when your hair has been damaged by every day styling, and chemical processing, dyeing or perming? Is there any solution for fly-away hair, dullness and faded color?Increasing Melanin in the Hair - Science view
The color of hair is determined by the amount of melanin in the cortical layer. Dark hair has a lot of pigment while fair hair has fewer granules that are of smaller size. Diffusive or non-granulated melanin makes the hair red. Hair, like any other part of the body, requires essentials nutrients for growth and survival.Increasing Melanin in the Hair - Good Skin
When summer looms, many people start considering the best way to get that sun-bronzed glow — turning to self-tanners, tanning booths, a stretch in the sun, or a combination of these.Increasing Melanin in the Hair - Science view
But before you go into a tanning booth — spend a few minutes finding out about your skin and sun exposure. These facts can help you get the look you want without stressing your skin.Increasing Melanin in the Hair - More Details
Melanin is the body's way of protecting skin from burning. Darker-skinned people tan more deeply than lighter-skinned people because their melanocytes produce more melanin. But just because a person doesn't burn does not mean that he or she is also protected against skin cancer and other problems.Increasing Melanin in the Hair - See more
Think about what you've read so far. Does it reinforce what you already know about Increasing Melanin in the Hair? Or was there something completely new? What about the remaining paragraphs about Increasing Melanin in the Hair?Increasing Melanin in the Hair - People view
The possibility of increasing the synthesis of melanin, and thus the increase in melanin content of melanocytes, will provide an alternative method of darkening skin pigmentation without the danger of ultraviolet radiation. Moreover, the increase in melanin content of the hair would provide a method darkening gray hair. Moreover, the ability to maintain the production of melanin to a minimum-colored fur, wool, feathers, and other animal hair and colleagues will allow the production of bio-engineering, fur, wool. AND feathers with the desired level of pigmentation. n a preferred embodiment year DAG which stimulates melanin synthesis, or a combination of such DAGs, can be combined in admixture with a biologically compatible liquid carrier to form a topical formulation, which can be applied, or contact the melanocytes in the skin and increase in the content of melanin in the skin alive organism, thus increasing the pigmentation of the skin. This embodiment is particularly useful as a method of cosmetic tanning human skin.In another embodiment, DAGs can be used with conventional known media and culture methods in vitro culture of melanocytes with high melanin. In each case, the use of DAGs will increase the synthesis of melanin in melanocytes, thus increasing the content of melanin in melanocytes and, consequently, an increase in pigmentation.
The present invention also relates to melanocytes with high melanin produced by methods disclosed here. Melanocytes with high melanin can be useful in preparing the skin to the brain implant in congenital or acquired, white areas of skin to skin to achieve normal, and even color.
Increasing Melanin in the Hair - More Details
Think about what you've read so far. Does it reinforce what you already know about Increasing Melanin in the Hair? Or was there something completely new? What about the remaining paragraphs about Increasing Melanin in the Hair?Increasing Melanin in the Hair - Science view
At first glance, everything here is so obvious that borders on banality. Meanwhile, in the past decade, interest in the physiological role of melanin broke out with renewed vigor. Protects whether melanine skin from photoageing and UF-indutsirovannogo carcinogenesis in the same way as it protects it from deflagration? What factors (endogenous and exogenous) than ultraviolet radiation influence on the formulation of skin melanin cells? Why hyperpigmentation arose not only under the influence of UV-B radiation, but after inflammatory processes traumatic effects during pregnancy, aging, certain diseases, etc.? Why Local hyperpigmentation as often occurs in people with darker skin and why this group of people often find themselves bleaching means ineffective?…The more researchers found out about melanine and the cells that produce it (melanotsitah), the stronger saw their curiosity. Particularly many interesting discoveries concerning pigmentoobrazovaniya in the skin have been made over the past decade of the twentieth century. It turned out that the world is full of mysteries melanotsita no less concern than other puzzles skin cells-keratinotsitov, Langergansa cells, fibroblasts, etc. Now, there is every reason to argue that melanotsity contributed significantly to skin reactions to stress exposure, working in partnership with neyroimmunnoy skin system. Thus, the traditional view of the melanotsitah, as the cells responsible for color and protects it from the scorching sun, has given way to more complex and interesting concept.
Now you can understand why there's a growing interest in Increasing Melanin in the Hair. When people start looking for more information about Increasing Melanin in the Hair, you'll be in a position to meet their needs.