
Do we have Melanin in the palms of our hands

Do we have Melanin in the palms of our hands - Professional Look

Current info about Do we have Melanin in the palms of our hands is not always the easiest thing to locate. Fortunately, this report includes the latest Do we have Melanin in the palms of our hands info available.

When most people think of Do we have Melanin in the palms of our hands, what comes to mind is usually basic information that's not particularly interesting or beneficial. But there's a lot more to Do we have Melanin in the palms of our hands than just the basics.

You should be able to find several indispensable facts about Do we have Melanin in the palms of our hands in the following paragraphs. If there's at least one fact you didn't know before, imagine the difference it might make. And the topic of Do we have Melanin in the palms of our hands is no exception.
Do we have Melanin in the palms of our hands? No? but...
Color can tell a lot: about habits and health, his nationality and age. Undoubtedly, the color of every human individual, and is determined by many factors, hereditary, hormonal background in the body, health and way of life.

Heredity Scientists have found the gene that plays a major role in shaping the color right. In the process of research findings, the gene responsible for the dark color, a much more ancient! Light color northern peoples is only reaction device. The bright skin in the face of the decreased solar lighting provides an opportunity to develop vitamin D in the skin, the absence of which in the body leads to the development of many diseases and rickets in the first place... Do we have Melanin in the palms of our hands.

As the sun acts on the skin - Not so in vain, we rejoice in the spring sun denki, our body for the winter izgolodalsya without sunlight. Indeed, the sun contributes to the formulation of vitamin D3-its so called "sunny" hormone, which enhances immunity and has a positive effect on blood circulation. Sun rays stimulate and develop vitamin D, contributes to the enhancement of muscles and bones, assimilation of calcium and phosphorus, improve the overall tone the body. And, of course, not at all a coincidence that spring increases mood that during the holiday warmth to the sea coast, we feel so Do we have Melanin in the palms of our hands and easy-proved that it is the shortage of winter sunshine provokes fatigue, depression, declining force bad mood.

Gilchrest, Barbara A. (Brookline, MA, US)

Do we have Melanin in the palms of our hands - Details

Melanin is a special pigment that gives the skin and hair its natural color. It makes the skin tanned, but also produces unwanted freckles, birthmarks and other colored marks on the body.

Do we have Melanin in the palms of our hands - More Details

With humans melanin forms in special sea-star shaped cells called melanocytes in the basal layer of epidermis and then transforms into granules where pigments are combined with protein. Melanocytes inject melanin grains into the cells of the upper skin layer (cortical layer of the hair and the iris of the eye) and determine their color.

Do we have Melanin in the palms of our hands - Doctors view

Doctors from time to time state that tea, coffee, chocolate and cacao are harmful for our health. However, it is no good to give up these products once and for all as they contain melanin that is essential for the human organism. Also prunes, bilberry or dark grapes are good protection against cancer, sunburns and influence of radiation.
Tan, however cherished, which is trying to acquire each kurortnik, is, in fact, protective skin reaction. The effects of sunlight produces skin pigment, called melanine. "Overdose" fraught with sun burns and it would be very unpleasant consequences, it is premature aging of the skin to cancer and we have Melanin in the palms of our hands.

Therefore, it should be remembered that bezoglyadnoe podzagoret "desire" not only harmful, but sometimes dangerous Melanin in the palms of our hands.

Different types of skin and their reaction to sunlight - Melanin in the palms of our hands, There are enough who can spend hours lying on the beach in the oppressive heat, and as if "nothing of this is not the case." This mistake is very even "is" simply not true implications are obvious and evident over time.

Reaction to the sun depends on the type of skin. Those "very lucky", which in envy krasnoplechim "colleagues" are there all day without costing the beach umbrella, buying Brave chocolate tinted skin, are likely to representatives of Mediterranean-type-usually by nature smuglye people with dark eyes. Good tan, and the so-called "black Europeans", they are usually gray eyes, hair and rusye quite bright leather, which, however, rarely acquire.

Less fortunate Europeans, who call svetlokozhimi. They have bright, easily irritated skin; they particularly need to closely monitor the duration of stay in the hot sun. And nevezuchi "very much" in relations with the representatives of tanning "Celtic" type. Leather they have a very white and tender, which can be very beautiful, but it is such a most susceptible to skin burns sunny and almost incapable of beautiful tan. So such people are not better to try to acquire a tan, but cheer up because doctors are trying to put a tan long out of fashion... Do we have Melanin in the palms of our hands.

Gordon, Philip R. (Philadelphia, PA, US)

Do we have Melanin in the palms of our hands - See More

See how much you can learn about Do we have Melanin in the palms of our hands when you take a little time to read a well-researched article? Don't miss out on the rest of this great information about Do we have Melanin in the palms of our hands.

Do we have Melanin in the palms of our hands and Increasing MelaninDo we have Melanin in the palms of our hands and Melanin in the Hair

Do we have Melanin in the palms of our hands - Good Hair

Having a good hair day doesn’t just happen by chance. It happens when taking care of your hair becomes just as important as taking care of your skin. But what do you do when your hair has been damaged by every day styling, and chemical processing, dyeing or perming? Is there any solution for fly-away hair, dullness and faded color?

Do we have Melanin in the palms of our hands - Science view

The color of hair is determined by the amount of melanin in the cortical layer. Dark hair has a lot of pigment while fair hair has fewer granules that are of smaller size. Diffusive or non-granulated melanin makes the hair red. Hair, like any other part of the body, requires essentials nutrients for growth and survival.

Do we have Melanin in the palms of our hands and Melanin in SkinDo we have Melanin in the palms of our hands and Increase Tanning Melanin

Do we have Melanin in the palms of our hands - Good Skin

When summer looms, many people start considering the best way to get that sun-bronzed glow — turning to self-tanners, tanning booths, a stretch in the sun, or a combination of these.

Do we have Melanin in the palms of our hands - Science view

But before you go into a tanning booth — spend a few minutes finding out about your skin and sun exposure. These facts can help you get the look you want without stressing your skin.

Do we have Melanin in the palms of our hands - More Details

Melanin is the body's way of protecting skin from burning. Darker-skinned people tan more deeply than lighter-skinned people because their melanocytes produce more melanin. But just because a person doesn't burn does not mean that he or she is also protected against skin cancer and other problems.

Do we have Melanin in the palms of our hands - See more

Think about what you've read so far. Does it reinforce what you already know about Do we have Melanin in the palms of our hands? Or was there something completely new? What about the remaining paragraphs about Do we have Melanin in the palms of our hands?

Do we have Melanin in the palms of our hands - People view

Tan rather than burn - These attempts to doctors who are already year and year-to no avail. White Slavs away at the southern beaches, first trying to buy him all vosprinimayuschiysya as trendy and healthy, type, which provides a tan. Do not ever do this, even if you have to type Melanin in the palms of our hands not belong. Excess stay in the sun can provoke allergies, and the appearance of moles fibroma, and the red Melanin in the palms of our hands. Moreover, you may not notice this now, or a year later, keep in mind that skin "remembers" each kosnuvshiysya its solar beam and, the more-burn. That is, over time and can lead to cancer of skin.

Therefore, arrived at the spa, the first thing a protection-patient suntan cream. Each type corresponds to the skin cream, the degree of protection can be found in information on the package. The figure on the label of such cosmetics, next to the letters SPF (Sun Protection Factor-sun protection factor), indicates how much it increases every time allowable cream sun exposure. For example, SPF 2 said that the man who "burned" in the sun for 20 minutes with SPF 2 can be used to extend the time tanning to 40 minutes.

To stand in humans or in the case where there is already a good tan, fit means to the degree of protection from 2 to 6. For Europeans "black" in the first days of stay in the sun creams are recommended to use SPF 6, in the following days - SPF 4-6. "For the Europeans" would Do we have Melanin in the palms of our hands SPF 8, in the following days - SPF 6-8. "Melanin in the palms of our hands" over time better recreational use cream with a high protection factor, SPF 12-15, or even SPF15-20. Please note that children's doctors do not recommend sunbath! - they are issued special creams with very strong protection factor: SPF of 30-35 and above.

In the event that precautions have not helped, and you do become the holder of red shoulders and burns, use the means of treatment for sunburn "Do we have Melanin in the palms of our hands." This soft emulsion, which will help to quickly get rid of redness, itching and inflammation, pain and withdraw quickly you will return to an active lifestyle. Do we have Melanin in the palms of our handsbe taken 2 times a day until the symptoms, but not more than two weeks in a row

With the sun can be friends - What happiness after a long, dark winter, and even when we are not generous in the heat of summer may prove finally to the sea coast cherished! But do not forget that our body does adapted to another climate. And even if you head to toe with namazhetes cream SPF-60, but not to show caution in other things, it does not save you from harm unusual climate.

For example, many of our compatriots have complained that in Egypt they happen stomach distress, and fell to the negligence of local cooks. Sometimes it is justified, but not less frequently such a reaction is a consequence of the body overheating, the solar boom. During the first days of stay in a hot country as small as possible preferably be under the direct rays of the sun, but afternoon hours and even arrange a Siesta. Drink more fluids, with the best-of mineral water and fruit juices, not pereedayte, try to have more vegetables, fruits, salads. Do not forget about the creams and lotions "tan" after which intensively nourish and moisturize sun-dried sea salt and leather. And, of course, Do we have Melanin in the palms of our hands!

Do we have Melanin in the palms of our hands - More Details

Think about what you've read so far. Does it reinforce what you already know about Do we have Melanin in the palms of our hands? Or was there something completely new? What about the remaining paragraphs about Do we have Melanin in the palms of our hands?

Do we have Melanin in the palms of our hands - Science view

Features of the newborn skin - Those features of skin, which we talked about so far, are universal, they are equally shared by children and adults. Now let's talk about that is characteristic of newborn skin. U infant skin there are a number of characteristics that make little man more vulnerable and defenseless, and young parents need to know about it, to ensure the right child care.

Newborn skin is different diuretic very thin layer, in the 3-4 series cells. And since it is this protective layer performs the function, it is not difficult to imagine how soul leather baby. Moreover, such a thin skin does not provide a sufficient level of Melanin in the palms of our hands, so the newborn and very quickly cooled overheating. Do we have Melanin in the palms of our hands.
A newborn very loose relationship between the epidermis and dermoy. Without going into details, anatomical, only notice that the structure of skin predisposes to a more rapid than in adults, the spread of infection. Do we have Melanin in the palms of our hands.
Leather child has a well-developed network of capillaries that, on the one hand, again, increases the likelihood of infection by blood Alternator, on the other hand, promotes skin gas exchange (literally "child breathes Skin"). In other words, the protective function of the skin baby has assigned itself an adult, and the respiratory function is expressed many times stronger.
Children's skin is extremely saturated with water. In newborn skin contains 80-90% of water (an adult-65-67%). This moisture in the skin should be kept permanently, but because it is very thin, easily loses moisture while increasing ambient temperature and the skin dries.
In newborn skin melanin content is low, such a little skin vulnerable to the action of radiation.

Pay attention to your body, and Melanin in the palms of our hands your body, belong to it carefully, and your skin will look great! And not just during the holidays, but afterwards.

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